The Ragnar Relay series created a bit of a monster in me- a very good monster. One that is determined. One that turned “I Can’t” into “Shut up, yes you can!”. One that strives to improve with every run. One that has learned patience with the frustrating runs. One that owns YakTrax to run in snow (and be chased by little monsters). I display my race stickers on my van with pride, I am planning the Ragnar-based tattoo for my foot – so that every day when I get ready for work, or lace up for a run- I remember what drove me to lose the first 75 lbs I wanted to shed and work towards the rest.
When I was pregnant with my youngest- I came out of that at my heaviest weight ever. At 7 months into the pregnancy – I agreed to join a Ragnar Relay team for an amazing adventure in Utah with 11 others. Exactly 6 weeks after having her- I began training for Ragnar – I had just under 5 months. I haven’t stopped running yet. Ragnar gave me the confidence and the vision to own being a runner. Ragnar- are you listening? Please make me a Weekend Warrior!I filled out my form with all of the contact info- but I wouldn’t be upset if any of you reading were to send a friendly little Tweet to @RagnarRelay to consider @that_girl_lola as a Weekend Warrior – can you rally with me?