Friday, July 23, 2010

Feel Good Fridays!

Feel Good Friday is a weekly meme hosted by The Girl Next Door Grows Up (click the button above and go visit her!). She has been on a "blog-cation" this week and Eternal Lizdom offered to host her meme so she could sit back and relax.

Here's the prompt I chose:
◦Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things.

I'm sure I could think of more than 5- but here are some good things:
1. My 3.5 year old. This is such a precious age- the things they say and do- even when they are bad, are so funny sometimes. On our way to preschool yesterday, she said "Hey Mommy, guess what?" (with lots of enthusiasm in her voice) and I replied "What Ash?" - she said "I have decided I'm going to be good at school today. What do you say to that?". I say, good choice young girl! :)
2. Working out so hard you are sore! I haven't done this in awhile because I've been focused on running- but I mixed it up a bit this week and I've got muscles feeling the burn! I love that!
3. Date night!! I get to go see Inception tonight with the hubby and I can't wait!
4. Babies! My 8 month old is now saying Dada - as much as I prompt her to say "Mama" she looks at me and grins a wide, toothless grin and says DADADADADADADA.
5. My brother- I miss him so much. He lives in CA, us in IN - we're 4 years apart in age- but so close by nature. Even just his small texts or emails make me smile and I wish so much that my girls got to know their Uncle Vince better. Thankfully, he's moving back to PA this August - which means that we'll get to see him at least a little more often.

What makes YOU happy?!?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up for FGF!!

    Could your daughter give my daughter a pep talk?? We could use some decisive good choices these days...

    Totally feel you on the sorenss. This new running form that I'm working on is really working my calves HARD. I last ran on Tuesday and am still limping a bit on my tender calves!
