Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mini Training begins; Day 15

Today, I woke up at 6am and had a small breakfast before heading out for the first official training run for the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini Marathon in May. It was a great run- we were only out there for 30 minutes but it felt wonderful. It is amazing how proper clothing for super cold temps can make all the difference.

After the run, I came home and changed clothes so that I could go to my training session- I worked with my trainer for about 40 minutes on core and squats and kettlebells and some arms; it was a great workout and I think I scorched some calories.

I tried out a new pair of socks: Under Armour snowboarding socks - absolutely loved them! They kept my legs warm in 5 degress (-8 wind chill) and had great support and extra padding. I'll definitely get some more of these socks. (not a paid opinion or review- I just liked the socks! :) )


  1. I'm so excited to follow you through your mini training!

  2. Thanks! I'm excited! The training schedule doesn't get *too* intimidating until about March- and then it seems tough. . .on paper. But I also know that following the training and putting in the miles, I will be ready.

  3. I hope you'll share a lot more detail about the training- I'm still not committed to it, I think just because of apprehension about running with others in a pace group.
